melissa hohaia

women's wellness | naturopathic clinician


I am passionate about helping women of all ages tap into their inner wisdom, understand their bodies and own their health transformation.

I believe in offering alternative solutions to increasingly common female health issues.

Please don't ever feel like there are no options available to you...there are so many valuable options to explore and finding the right one for you is my highest priority.

I'd love to help facilitate your journey to wellness...

I'd love to share more about myself and the work I do with you. Please explore my site and feel free to reach out at any time with any questions.

i'm so glad you are here

So many women I see are all struggling with the same thing – feeling exhausted, burnt-out and like they have

no more to give.

As females, we seem to collectively struggle with weight gain, never-ending stresses, poor sleep, foggy brain function, low sex drive, mood swings, hormone imbalances, and an overriding feeling of unexplainable fatigue. It appears to go with the feminine territory that we often sacrifice ourselves to look after others and this can often be to the detriment of our own health. This can leave us feeling like our reserve tank is empty and that we have nothing left for ourselves at the end of the day. We have given all we can give, and it still doesn’t seem like enough.

I get it, because I am living it!

I'm a mother, wife, business woman, and downright hardworking chick.

I take on more than I should.

I care for others and am guilty of burning the candle at both ends. I've had health struggles and

found myself waking up in the morning just wishing that I didn't have to face the day.

As a modern-day woman, how do we reclaim the energy and vitality we desire, to cope with the day-to-day demands, and then still have enough left over at the end of the day to feel completely proud of who WE are?

I believe that as a specialist in women's wellness, I am able to support and empower you on your

journey to feel on top of your game!

I want you to learn about your body and understand its beautiful magic.

I want you to feel empowered and in control of your wellness.

I want you to feel listened to and cared for.

I've got your back girl.

You deserve nothing less than amazing...

what i do


I have worked for more than two decades in the Health and Fitness industry. During this time, I have developed a passion for empowering women with a greater understanding of their health - guiding them on a journey to discover the health solutions they need to transform their wellness.

I believe in an integrated and personalised treatment approach - I combine my in-depth knowledge of nutritional science, botanical medicine, and supplements, along with the appropriate pathology testing and lifestyle modifications to support the transformation of my patients’ health. I love empowering women of all ages with essential knowledge about their miraculous hormonal mastery. Educating women on alternative treatment approaches to their common health issues is a special part of my practice.

I have developed a specific interest in hormonally-driven weight loss resistance and fatigue management. I have supported countless women in reclaiming their glowing confidence and have successfully guided them towards a level of health that allows them to engage with their true health potential.

On a personal note, I am a mum to three awesome ‘little people’ and wife to a kiwi FIFO worker.

In my spare time I love getting outdoors in the sunshine and engaging in anything that allows me to explore my creative side - the beach is my happy place.

what i offer

If you are seeking support and a

heartfelt connection with a health practitioner that is invested in your wellness, then I am so glad that we have found each other!

I am passionate about digging deep, leaving no stone unturned, and providing you with successful solutions to your suffering.

I'm not afraid to have those awkward conversations that you probably haven't even had with your closest girlfriend - coz we need to chat about all your bodily functions to shed light on exactly what is going on. I will make sure that I always have a warm cup of tea and a box of tissues ready - just in case you need to shed a tear.

(But be warned - I will probably cry along with you!)

I want you to feel like you have someone in your corner - invested in your health and cheering you on. This is what lights me up and keeps me doing what I do.

I have created these resources just for you.

I want you to have access to some of my most popular and favourite downloads.

Over the years I have lovingly created some resources that will assist you on your wellness journey.

I am giving you full access to these health-changing resources by making them available to download whenever you need them.

These resources include:

- Food and Symptom Diary

- Symptothermal Chart

- Charting Guide

- Energy Tracker

- Ritual Sheet

Want to know more about the kind of work I do and the different services I offer?

For over two decades I have been working with women - supporting, guiding and empowering them on a journey towards their best life.

I offer a variety of different services including:

- Naturopathic Consults

- Body Composition Testing

- Pathology Testing

- Exercise Prescription

- Botanical Medicine

- Nutritional Prescription

- Lifestyle Coaching

These successful programs have helped countless women turn their health around and reclaim their wellness...

Sometimes we all need a little extra TLC.

The programs that I have created give me the chance to dive a little deeper and support you more comprehensively. The resources that I have worked into each of these programs provide valuable tools for permanent change.

These programs have changed the lives of hundreds of women - are you ready for a big change in your health?


- LOSE IT Faster

- Refresh & Revamp Detox

- Cycle Choices

- 12 Week Burnt-out 2 Bombshell

they said

Getting feedback from my patients inspires me to keep doing what I do...

Melissa, please never stop doing what you do - the world needs more of you!

I can honestly say I have had my fair share of naturopaths, supplements, promises and disappointments over the past 15 years.

Right from the get go I loved Melissa’s friendly, compassionate and bubbly nature. I’m sure if I went back and looked at what my goals were we would have reached a lot of them in a fairly short time.

The energy and happiness I had been desperately searching for has finally returned!! Yah! Thank you Melissa for taking this journey with me you will never know how much you have been a god send. I truly appreciate the passion and care you have given.



Melissa is so kind and understanding.

She has a great wealth of knowledge in holistic medicine and runs the appropriate tests when needed. Melissa has really helped me with any health challenge over the years. I trust her advise and would highly recommend her to anyone looking to better their wellbeing!



I cannot emphasise enough how much Melissa has helped and improved my health!

Her passion and will to help is amazing. I was diagnosed with coeliac disease a while ago and had been sick my whole life before my diagnosis. Even on a gluten free diet I was struggling with many health issues. Melissa was able over time to greatly improve my well being and conducted herself professionally and with empathy. She changed my life!



Mel’s passion is contagious and I am so glad that I found her!

I started seeing Mel 3 years ago as a ‘desperate dieter’. Over the 10 years prior I had tried almost every diet and exercise regime to achieve weight loss results and would constantly compare myself to others who didn’t have to scrutinise every calorie.

In working with Mel, I learnt that my absence of results wasn’t from my lack of trying and the validation of this alone was golden! Mel coordinated tests to understand my needs and implemented some key hormonal supports and lifestyle changes. We learnt as we went by listening to my body and the results it generated. I won’t lie – it was hard to let go of control at times, but the journey was so much more than physical!

It was not overnight success that I achieved. But more importantly, I no longer wanted overnight success because I understood the changes I needed to make and why. In partnership with Mel I was able to achieve healthy weight loss, address my PCOS and fertility conditions and finally understood how important it is to show yourself kindness!



I can not recommend Melissa highly enough.

I am so thankful that I started seeing Melissa Hohaia. Over the last 16 months she has helped me to make lasting lifestyle changes that have resulted in weight loss, increased energy and hormone balance. Melissa has an integrative approach using pathology testing and clinically researched natural medicine as well as a thorough assessment of the impact of lifestyle and nutrition on my overall health. What’s more Melissa is very easy to talk to, compassionate and genuine. I am so grateful for the life changing new knowledge she has equipped me with and all the genuine support and guidance along the way.



Melissa has always gone over and above what could be expected of a health practitioner.

I started seeing Melissa about seven years ago and struck up an instant like for her. In this time she has always treated me with the utmost respect, really understanding what my symptoms are and helping me reach both my health and wellbeing goals. She has always made me feel at ease with myself and been a very positive influence in my life, always listening to me and never being dismissive or making me feel that anything was not possible. I will always be grateful for her support. Over this time she has also treated my husband and children for varying things and with minimal visits has always sorted out their complaints.



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